Tuesday 10 September 2013

How to eat well and still loose weight

Sounds sensational doesn't it ? but its possible...
Hundreds of people most especially women around the world have been made to believe that being attractive has to do with how slim they are, thanks to the media (television, magazines, music, social media etc). It is better to be of the right weight, than to be under-weight or over-weight.

Whether men find slim or big women attractive is a topic for another day, as one man's meat is another's poison, just as one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter...
 A'lot of women engage in harmful practices of forcing themselves to vomit their food, because they are trying to get into that 'ideal' size dictated by the media, little do they know that there are other ways to keep slim other than vomiting out their food or going on compulsory fast....
Yes! Its possible to eat well and still maintain that perfect size.
First, lets know what causes people to 'blow-up'.

What brings about fat ?
Genetics plays a big role in determining how we look-- facial feature, height, weight etc, that is probably why you would meet someone that eats very little but is still very fat... everyone also has that one friend that eats like a horse but looks like a broomstick, its all in the genes...

To be fair, not all cases of being over-weight can be blamed on genetics, (definitely not), most times, the real culprit is what we eat.
Food is of different classes-- proteins, carbonhydrates, fats and oil, vitamins, minerals etc, our body handles this classes of food differently, of the classes of foods listed, 'carbonhydrates' and 'fats and oil' are the leading causes of excessive weight.

Excess carbonhydrates and fats is stored up in the body muscles as fat, which means if you eat a'lot without getting the chance to burn it, you will keep storing up this fat in the body, and in no time, being slim would be a thing of the past!!!
Proteins cant be stored up as fat in the body, neither can minerals, vitamins or water...
Excess proteins would simply be discharged from the body. No matter how much of this classes of food that you eat, it wont be harmful to your weight, they would only make you fresher and healthier...

The need for exercise cant be over-emphasized, exercise refreshes the mind and the body, it leaves you feeling younger and helps burn the accumulated fat gotten from eating starchy foods (iyan, eba, akpo etc), The issue of exercise is often looked upon vaguely, what comes to mind when people see the word 'exercise' is a gym with all those scary looking equipments, exercise can be in any form-- walking briskly on the road, jogging, skipping, deciding to use the staircase instead of the lift... Just a simple 5 mins jog daily can do a great deal in shedding excess weight, whatever the type of exercise you choose, it should be done consistently and gradually so as not to lead to injury.

Tips on how to loose weight and remain fit
  • Pick a convenient exercise routine, it might be as easy as walking long distances briskly paced everyday, jogging, skipping or using the staircase, try to have fun while trying to loose weight, and having a partner that can motivate you also helps.
  • Avoid checking the scale everyday, so you dont get discouraged, weight cant be lost overnight.
  • Drink lots of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables, this helps to satisfy your appetite (much better than starving!), you can never eat too much fruits, the more the better! Contrary to normal belief, fruits no matter how sweet cant be fattening.
  • Incorporate a'lot of protein into your diet and avoid starchy foods, sweet desserts, soft drinks etc.
  • Don't rely heavily on acclaimed 'slimming teas' and tablets, exercise and good eating habits are the real key to having a healthy weight, besides any size reduction gotten easily (by taking drugs) would be gained easily, and before you know it, you are addicted to slimming drugs.
  • Gradually incorporate more physical activities into your daily routine.
  • Avoid junk food and binge eating (eating randomly), eat at the right time.
More tips on how to maintain physical fitness would be posted soon, stay tuned, and re-share... You never can tell who might need to read this.

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